Attorneys for the State of Florida and alleged Tampa Police Officer shooter Dontae Morris continue to quest to pick a jury for Morris’ upcoming murder trial for the death of Rodney Jones outside of a Tampa nightclub. Morris’ name may sound familiar as he is the suspect accused of killing…
Tampa Criminal Lawyer Blog
Batman Brings Alleged Criminal to Justice in West Yorkshire, England
Chinese food takeout driver Stan Worby, 39, can be said to be West Yorkshire, England’s very own version of Bruce Wayne for his actions last Monday morning. Worby, after attending a soccer game dressed in full Batman attire, brought a man wanted for handling stolen goods and fraud to the…
Florida Man Facing Misdemeanor Battery Charge For Attacking Brother In Law With a Burrito
Erik Brown, 36, is alleged to have committed a misdemeanor battery upon his brother in law in Port St. Lucie, Florida with, of all things, a Taco Bell burrito. The Burrito Battery occurred after a verbal altercation between the victim and his mother overheated. Brown, feeling the argument was disrespectful…
Man Arrested For Bank Robbery After Purchasing Bogus Spell From Local Sorcerer
A man in Iran has been charged with bank robbery after purchasing a faulty spell from a local sorcerer to make him invisible and then taking money from bank patron’s hands. For the Iranian bank robber, he would have been best served to either look in a mirror prior to…
Wild Threesome Ends in Stabbing of Unlucky Participant
A threesome didn’t quite go as planned for one unlucky participant when his request to switch sexual positions with another man resulted in him being chased and ultimately stabbed with a butcher knife. This tale of lusty lovers began in prison when Ashley Hunter, 33, and Orlando Dewitt, 37 became…
Alleged Auburn Oak Tree Poisoner Harvey Updyke’s Bond Revoked
Fanatical Alabama supporter Harvey Updyke had his pretrial release revoked yesterday after Prosecutors moved the Court to take him back into custody. Updyke is infamous for allegedly poisoning the Auburn Oaks at Toomer’s Corner and later appearing on a high traffic Alabama sports radio program to boast about his deeds.…
Brooksville, Florida Man Gets DUI While Riding a Motorized Cart Through Walmart
Brooksville, Florida man, Timothy Carr, was issued a DUI for driving through a Brooksville Walmart on a motorized shopping cart earlier this month. It is reported that Mr. Carr was quite intoxicated while cruising through the store drinking alcohol that he had plucked from the shelf while inside and also…
Miami, Florida Woman Given 30 Day Contempt of Court Sentence for Flipping Judge the Bird
18-year-old Penelope Soto was sentenced to 30 days in jail for contempt of court after flipping Circuit Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat the bird on Monday during her first appearance hearing. Oddly enough Soto was arrested and before Judge Rodriguez-Chomat for a first appearance on a possession of a controlled substance charge…
Florida Mother Pleads Guilty to Child Neglect for Allegedly Selling 6-Year-Old Daughter for Sex.
A Jacksonville Beach, Florida mother pled guilty in Duval County Circuit Court on January 30th to four counts of Child Neglect. Dalina Nicholas, 36, is accused of repeatedly selling sex with her 6-year-old daughter to drug abusing and homeless men in exchange for drugs and money to support her own…
Lindsay Lohan Reckless Driving Trial and Violation of Probation Date Set in Los Angeles Court
Lindsay Lohan appeared in a Los Angeles courtroom again yesterday to answer to charges that she violated her probation stemming from a jewelry theft in 2011 in addition to the crimes alleged to have been the basis for her probation violation. Lohan currently faces charges for reckless driving, lying to…