
Tampa Criminal Lawyer Blog


Minnesota State Court Rules Segway Not a Vehicle for DUI Purposes

A Minnesota State Court of Appeals recently ruled that a two wheeled motorized transit machine called a “Segway” was more like a pedestrian than a “vehicle” for purposes of Minnesota’s DUI law, thereby throwing out a DUI charge against Mark Greenman, a two time contestant of the Segway DUI challenge.…


Tampa, Florida attorney in the MJ Kelly v. Bubba the Love Sponge Case Charged with DUI

Prominent local attorney Charles Phillip Campbell was arrested last night and charged with DUI for the second time. Campbell is currently representing Todd “MJ” Schnitt in a trial that is underway against Todd “Bubba the Love Sponge” Clem alleging defamation of character by the Sponge against MJ and his wife.…

Posted in: DUI

Two Girls, One Cup Pornographic Filmmaker Ira Isaacs Sentenced to 48 Months in Prison

60 year old pornographic filmmaker Ira Isaacs was sentenced on January 17, 2013 in the Central District of California for the Federal crime of producing and selling obscene videos and distributing obscene videos. Isaacs is known as a “shock porn” director and has routinely made videos depicting bestiality and sexual…


Former Tampa Bay Rays Player Elijah Dukes Arrested in Tampa, Florida Again

28 year old former Tampa Bay Rays player Elijah Dukes was arrested again Monday night on several outstanding warrants for failing to appear in court for past criminal charges. Dukes, a former major league baseball player with incredible talent but an inability to stay out of a criminal courtroom was…


Cortnee Brantley Jurors Deliberate in Misprison of a Felony Trial in Middle District of Florida Federal Court in Tampa

Cortnee Brantley, the girlfriend of Dontae Morris now awaits her fate as Middle District of Florida jurors deliberate in her Misprison of a Felony trial. Brantley was with Dontae Morris on June 29, 2010 during a tragic traffic stop where Tampa Police Department officers Jeffrey Kocab and David Curtis were…


Bradenton, Florida Man Arrested After Giving Several “Wedgies” to Bradenton Movie Goers

18 year old Bradenton, Florida man Charles Ross was arrested on Sunday in Manatee County, Florida on battery allegations for allegedly giving numerous movie goers “wedgies.” Allegedly Ross owns and operates a You Tube page where he posts video of himself performing pranks on random strangers. From this report, Ross’…


Tampa, Florida Man Charged with Arson for Setting His Ex-Girlfriend’s House on Fire

Local Tampa man, Cort Allenbrand has been arrested on arson charges after authorities allege that he set his girlfriend’s house on fire in Seffner, Florida early Wednesday morning. Hillsborough County Fire and Rescue authorities claim Cort Allenbrand went to his ex-girlfriend’s home early this morning with fire accelerant and lit…


Steubenville, Ohio Teens Set to go on Trial for August 2012 Rape of a 16 Year Old Girl

16 year old Steubenville, Ohio students and football players Ma’Lik Richmond and Trent Mays will be tried as juveniles next month for the rape of a 16 year old girl who passed out due to what is thought to be administration of a date rape drug at a house party…


Florida Man Asks Wife and Friend For a Threesome Then Swings His Bat At Them

Vero Beach, Florida gentleman Robert Briley was charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon on December 16, 2012 after allegedly swinging a baseball bat at his best friend. It’s reported that Briley continuously requested his wife and friend over the course of the day to engage in a sexual…


Manatee County, Florida Woman Arrested for Battery After Unsatisfactory Sexual Encounter With Her Boyfriend

Jennie Scott, 50, of Manatee County was arrested after allegedly beating her 32 year old boyfriend after a sexual encounter didn’t go the way she had hoped. After an unsuccessful effort on the part of Scott’s boyfriend Jilberto Deleon to perform joint oral sex to her satisfaction, it is claimed…

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