Heisman Trophy winning quarterback Jameis Winston was accused this week of stealing crab legs from a Tallahassee, Florida Publix. Since the time of the incident, media outlets, NFL scouts, and fans of certain rival teams have taken issue with Winston’s actions, making fun, questioning his character and showing concern over…
Tampa Criminal Lawyer Blog
I Got Busted By The Feds. Should I Waive My Indictment If I Want To Cooperate?
In nearly every Federal drug charge I’ve handled in Tampa, my client has been charged as part of a Federal drug conspiracy. Depending on my client’s role or position within the alleged conspiracy, he or she is often approached, through me, to cooperate with the United States Attorney’s investigation in…
Florida Woman Poops on Courthouse Elevator. Breach of Bathroom Peace?
Meet Patricia Ann Jamison. Ms. Jamison was recently accused of the odd act of pooping in a courthouse elevator and subsequently arrested for the same event. According to a Huffington Post story, on March 7, 2013 security staff at the St. Lucie County Courthouse was notified that there was a…
Is Your March Madness Tournament Pool Legal?
Many believe this week is the greatest week in all of sports. Work efficiency goes in the can, attention is diverted, and more than 50 million red blooded Americans will be living and dying on whether the sophomore shooting guard from Dingleberry Tech can finish the back half of his…
Tampa Teacher’s Aide Arrested For DUI. Pantless DUI.
Teacher’s Aide by day, pantless driver by night? That’s what Pasco County deputies claim after pulling over Kristi Steuber earlier this week. According to a police report, Steuber was pulled over in Pasco County for speeding when deputies detected an odor of alcohol on her breath after making contact. Deputies…
The Tennessee Supreme Court ruled last week that one suspected of driving under the influence can still be arrested in spite of passing field sobriety tests, a decision overruling a case from 2012 that ruled when a motorist passed six field sobriety tests that he could NOT be arrested. As…
Video of Pasco County Movie Theater Shooting Death to be Shown in Open Court
Video of former Tampa Police Captain Curtis Reeves, Jr. shooting and killing local man Chad Oulson will be viewed in open Court according to Pasco County Circuit Judge Pat Siracusa. Reeves Jr. has been charged with second-degree murder for his actions. Several media outlets have requested footage of the video.…
Polk County, Florida Man Insists on Smoking Joint Prior to Arrest
Polk county resident David Scott Schultz, 32, delayed his arrest last week when Polk County deputies attempted to serve a search warrant on his residence for suspicion that Shultz was using his home as a marijuana grow house. According to deputies, after knocking on Shultz’s door and speaking with him…
Officers Not Beliebers in Justin’s Sobriety, Arrest Bieber for DUI in Miami Beach.
19-year-old Canadian pop star Justin Bieber was arrested early this morning by Miami Beach police for allegedly driving with an expired driver’s license, DUI, and resisting arrest without violence, all misdemeanors. According to Officer Medina’s Complaint/Arrest affidavit Bieber was observed in a yellow Lamborghini racing or at least “start a…
I Got Arrested for DUI in Tampa. How Do I Get a Hardship Driver’s License?
Ah the infamous DUI charge. It’s the crime that can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime without regard for who you are or what your criminal history is. Our firm has represented all walks of life on DUI charges and as a general rule the individual has very little if any…