Attorneys for the State of Florida and alleged Tampa Police Officer shooter Dontae Morris continue to quest to pick a jury for Morris’ upcoming murder trial for the death of Rodney Jones outside of a Tampa nightclub. Morris’ name may sound familiar as he is the suspect accused of killing Tampa Police officers Jeffrey Kocab and David Curtis on June 29, 2010 after a routine stop of his girlfriend’s vehicle. Because of the media coverage of the death of the two officers, Morris’ jury selection has been moved to Orlando in an effort to find a jury pool less familiar with the allegations in the hope of finding a jury of individuals unbiased and unfamiliar with this case. Though this practice has been used for years, the Tampa criminal lawyers at The Mayberry Law Firm have doubts as to its effectiveness in our day of modern technology.
In any high profile criminal trial, be it Casey Anthony and the accusation of murder for the death of her little girl, Jodi Arias and the accusation of murder for the death of her boyfriend or anything involving the death of a local police officer there gives the rise of doubt that a jury free from bias can be seated in the county holding jurisdiction over the allegations. Tampa criminal lawyer Jason Mayberry blogged in May 2011 about this very issue as it concerned the jury selection for Casey Anthony held in Pinellas County. Within that blog our firm expressed doubt that the change of venue protection still legitimately exists.
Article I, Section 16 of Florida’s Constitution guarantees an accused will receive an impartial trial in the county holding jurisdiction over the criminal allegation. In conjunction to that Constitutional guarantee, Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.240 provides that either the State Attorney or the Defendant may move the Court for a change of venue, alleging that a fair and impartial trial cannot possibly be had in the home county of jurisdiction. Florida Statute 910.03 says that in ordering a change of venue for jury selection the Court must “give priority to any county which closely resembles the demographic composition of the county wherein the original venue would lie.” In this instance it appears that Judge Fuente feels that Orange County satisfies the dictate of 910.03.
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