Former Atlanta Braves superstar Andruw Jones was arrested on Christmas day by police in Gwinnett County Georgia, accused of domestic battery against his wife, Nicole Jones. Nicole Jones is said to have told officers that when she asked her husband to help prepare their house for Christmas morning, the battery ensued. During the scuffle Jones claims she tried to escape up the stairs but was caught by Andruw Jones who drug her down the stairs by her ankle. Upon catching his wife, it is alleged Andruw Jones got on top of her and said, “I want to kill you.” Other reports indicate Andruw Jones grabbed his wife by her neck.
Unfortunately domestic battery is an all too frequent occurrence in our country whether it is a founded account or a false accusation. Regardless of the State authorities always take allegations of this nature seriously and generally an arrest is made. Depending on which news report mentioned above is more accurate as to what actually happened, Jones could be charged with either a felony or misdemeanor were this incident in Florida.
For purposes of simple domestic battery in Florida, all one really need to look at is whether there has been a battery committed against a family or household member by another family or household member. This is found in Florida Statute 741.28(2) under the “domestic violence” definition. For a simple battery to occur under Florida Statute 784.03, the State must show that there has been an actual and intentional touching or striking of another person against their will or that someone has caused someone else bodily harm. So, in short, take the battery elements listed and make a finding that the participants were, as in this case, family members, and you have a domestic violence situation in Florida punishable as a first degree misdemeanor.
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